computer vision

Valet on the Voight-Kampff test – How to test Machine Learning?

Valet on the Voight-Kampff test – How to test Machine Learning?

The main question we had during Valet development was — “How to check whether it works or not?” We spent about two weeks on that, so let's dive in!

Valet in the sky — Computer Vision with Azure AI

Valet in the sky — Computer Vision with Azure AI

Our idea was to adopt new cutting-edge Machine Learning approaches to “everyday life” problems. The problem is simple – find occupied and free spaces in parking lots.

Object Detection from Image and Video

Object Detection from Image and Video

We explore how to detect an object from video & image using HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space, OpenCV library in C++ and Python programming languages.

Face Detection from Image and Video

Face Detection from Image and Video

Let's dive into face detection from an image or video using the OpenCV library and C++ or Python code.